April 19, 2000

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 19, 2000. Messrs. Patten, Reynolds, MaryAnn Ralph and Kathy Howley were present. The minutes were approved as submitted.


Ms. Howley reported the following:

County grant applications for open space acquisition and parks are due in May. At this time we have no submissions planned.

Mr. Reynolds requested we ask a representative from PMRS to come to one of our meetings for an update on their services. He also marked several news articles from the PA News for duplication to other members of township committees.

The stormwater ordinance is advertised for adoption at the May 1st meeting. Chester Co. Plan. Com. has been advised of this. A letter requesting an extension to October, 2000 for the completion of the other projects has been sent to David Ward.


Matt Houtmann reported the following:

Met with Dave Allen last week and made some site visits. Looked at a property on Wedgewood Drive regarding a drainage problem. Determined that this is not a township problem but will write them a letter advising them on how to stabilize the problem.

Milt Mendenhall subdivision has a problem with drainage alongside Hickory Hill road. Will look at this to see if a swale will help.

Ponds Edge Drive is close to completing all items for dedication. If the Board has any outstanding issues they should bring them up now. Maintenance of the island should be determined and incorporated into the dedication agreement.

There is a drainage problem at Stirling Way and Lamp Post. Will survey the area and work up a cost to rectify the problem.

A land disturbance permit was received from Robert Orenshaw for his property on Hillendale Road. He wants to build a home.

Bailey Property - will review the plans and get them to David Patten so he can move forward with the condemnation.

Submitted a sketch and estimate of cost for Sunny Ridge to Messrs. Berlin and Lyons for their review. Will follow up with Regester on the revised plan so we can keep this moving forward.

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April 19, 2000


Dave Patten submitted a document for the Board to review regarding the condemnation of Sunny Ridge for the Berlin subdivision. It will authorize the Board to acquire a portion of Sunny Ridge Lane if necessary. Some changes have to be made to the document and the plan needs to be revised. Matt Houtmann will follow up with Regester on the revised plan and Dave Patten will revise the document. Mr. Reynolds stated that we should meet with the property owners involved before signing these documents. There will be public water and on site sewage for the subdivision.


The Board appointed Joe Carbonell as a permanent member of the Zoning Hearing Board. Robert Mantell resigned effective March 30th. This will create a vacancy on the Planning Commission. Mr. Asimos will be advised. The Board will also appoint an alternate to the Zoning Hearing Board.

Mr. Patten submitted a proposed amendment to the subdivision ordinance regarding the submission of as built for each lot in the township. This will be advertised for adoption at the next meeting.

926 & Parkersville Road Project - the right of way acquisition is on hold until a problem with the PA Historical Museum Commission can be cleared up. There will be a meeting on Friday, April 28th regarding this.

The Planning Commission has recommended swimming pool amendments which have been given to Mr. Patten to draft for review by the Board.

Ms. Howley asked the Board if a tax lien could be forgiven if there were a legitimate reason why the township tax had not been received. A resident claims they did not receive the bill and no delinquent notices sent. Mr. Patten stated the resident is responsible for following up on this without notice.

A bill list numbering 1823-1859, State Fund #139, 140 has been approved by the Board. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager