June 19, 2000

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, June 19, 2000. Messrs. Patten, Reynolds, MaryAnna Ralph and Kathy Howley were present and the minutes approved as submitted.


Carol Stauffer gave a short presentation to the Board and Planning Commission members present: Karen Wood, Bob Crandell, Dick Stewart, Alma Forsyth, on the proposed Regional Comprehensive Plan that the Kennett Regional Planning Commission has been working on. Pennsbury Township is represented on this commission by Alma Forsyth, MaryAnna Ralph and most recently Bill Holloway. Carol stated that the plan is not meant to usurp municipality power but act as a guide for regional growth. She went on the explain how the plan was put together and how it addresses such issues as fair share housing, plan techniques to be used for implementing the plan and accommodation of projected growth in population in our area. The Planning Commission members requested they hold back on their recommendation until after their June 26th meeting when George Asimos and Larry Anderson would be present. The Board will consider the resolution for adoption at their July 17th meeting.


Ms. Howley reported the following:

Courts at Longwood - Rusty Drumheller will lift the cease and desist unless Mr. Patten disapproves. Mr. Patten stated he has heard from the developer and they will finish the project by October, 2001. Mr. Patten will send them revised agreements with these dates noted.

Whitestone Farm - Mr. Patten talked to Mr. March and he needs to submit as builts before we take over the road.


Matt Houtmann reported the following:

1. Apple Row land disturbance permit - dirt has washed out onto Parkersville Road again. I will contact them about this.

The driveway off of Hickory Hill Road in the Clark subdivision has been corrected.

I will meet with PennDot on June 21st to review the permit they issued for the Hickory Hill Road improvement. Their Traffic Unit did not review this and they will be present.

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June 19, 2000

Submitted as built plan for Hillspring Road. A drainage improvement must be done before the township would consider taking it over. The plans will be given to Bill Holloway.

Sent a certified letter to Ethel Harris at 8 Hillendale Road regarding the land disturbance on the property which has not been addressed since the Fall of 1999.

Rt. 926 & Parkersville Road - MaryAnna Ralph sent PA Historical and Museum Commission a narrative on the history of Parkersville as they requested. She will follow up with them to see if they will give the go ahead with this project.

Township Building Renovations - Ms. Howley met with John Rosencrans and received a draft of the bid specs and plans for our review. Mr. Patten will review them and contact Mr. Rosencrans with any changes. The bids will be advertised and opened at the July 17th meeting.

Swimming Pool Ordinance - changes were made to the last draft as requested by the Board. With no further discussion the Board approved and signed the amendment.

It was noted that the YMCA appeal of the zoning hearing board decision will be heard on July 17th in front of Judge Shenkin. Mr. Patten will be present.

A bill list dated June 19 numbering 1958-1983 was submitted and approved for payment by the Board.

With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager