July 21, 2003

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, July 21, 2003. All members were present and the minutes approved as corrected.

Manager Kathleen Howley reported the following:

The township received another grant for park facilities from the county in the amount of $250,000. This totals $450,000 for the park and an additional $10,000 from the state. Ms. Howley is conferring with our park consultant, Ann Yost to ascertain exactly how much money the township will have to borrow in order to use the grant money and what facilities will be built in the park. She also contact DVRFA to inquire about the cost of borrowing money. It would be an up-front fee of $2000 and the interest rate fixed would be around 3.35% and variable less than 1%.

The township apartment will be vacant by the beginning of August and we are in the process of interviewing potential candidates - all state troopers.

The township received additional money in the amount of $339 from the Chester Co. Health Dept. for participation in the hazardous household waste program.

Township Engineer Matt Houtman reported the following:

Courts at Longwood - correspondence has been received from John Fenn, Pocopson engineer outlining what has to be done to complete the subdivision. Matt also sent Mr. D'Agostino Pennsbury's outstanding issues and reiterating that it all must be done by October 7, 2003 or the township will seize the escrow and the finish the work. If the work is not progressing by mid August, Matt will put the bid documents together.

Pennsbury Mill - will meet with Karen Wood this Friday at the Mill to determine where the wetland mitigation will be. Need to submit this to the Corp by the end of July.

Penn's Village - reviewed the plans for the entrance and proposed traffic light. There are a few observations that he has asked Ms. Hawley to include in the letter to PennDot. However, the supervisors want to try and talk to John Ciccarone one more time to see if he would allow the entrance to go through his development before we send the letter to PennDot.

101 Hickory Hill Road - the Historical Commission has recommended the demolition of the addition to the historic house but cautioned the builder to be sensitive to archeology around the house. The supervisors approved the demolition.

Knoll Storm water - Matt showed 2 alternatives for capturing the run off from heavy storms and a estimated cost. State money can be used for this project. There is another alternative and that is to capture the water coming down

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Stirling Way at Lamp Post Lane and divert it between properties onto the former

Chadds Peak area. He would like to discuss this further with Dave Allen. This

would also lesson the cost of piping further down on Stirling and Constitution.

He does not have a recommendation yet and will study this further.

SECCRA Rep Bill Corbishley reported the following:

Bill Stulkin will be at our meeting in September to bring us up to date on what's happening at the landfill.

SECCRA bought 123 acres of adjoining land but have no plans for it yet.

Recycling - applying for a grant to get separate containers. Will have to educate the public but this should make things easier and less spoilage.

They filed a permit for another well/pit. They have space through '09.

They do check loads to see if trash is local or from out of state.

Knoll Stop Signs - Dave Patten did not see any serious liability issues with putting up unwarranted signs. It was noted that the state police were called and they said they would not enforce unwarranted signs. The Board agreed to put up 7 additional stop signs in the Knoll. Dave Patten will draft an ordinance for this.

Crosslands - Phil DeBaun was present and stated they are ready to move into some of the new units and would like a certificate of occupancy. They are continuing to work with PennDot to get the permit for the left turn lane. It should be soon and they will start work immediately on this. The Board agreed to allow CO's to be issued as long as Crosslands formalizes this in a letter to the township. Rusty Drumheller expressed some concern about liability but will go ahead as the Board requested.

Dambro conditional use decision - Board has 60 days to render the decision. This will be done by the next meeting, August 4th. The Planning Commission has asked the Board to consider doing a traffic study to determine the best entrance into the development. This study can be requested and done at the land development stage. In the decision the Board advised Dave Patten to include a time frame for when the open space would be turned over to the township and also the gate house. Mr. Patten will talk to Mike Lyons, attorney for the applicant, about this. It was also noted that the Brandywine Conservancy has drafted an alternate plan which will be presented to the Planning Commission on July 28th. Mr. Dambro will be notified and asked to attend.

The Board asked Rusty Drumheller to check out an abundance of animals on a property off of Brintons Bridge Road near Pocopson Road. Mr. Patten was asked to work with Rusty on an ordinance addressing abandoned cars and other maintenance issues that are not addressed in our codes.

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Open Space Benefits proposed ordinance has been drafted and will be advertised for adoption at the August 4th meeting. Dave Patten stated that a resolution is needed to pass an increase in the property tax and this will be done along with the ordinance for the earned income tax. A summary will be advertised and copies of the ordinance will be available for the public at the township building.

A "No U Turn" sign has been taken off Rt. 1 in front of the Knoll. We will contact PennDot again to get another sign erected as soon as possible.

A bill list dated July 21st numbering 4566-4598, State Fund #178 was submitted and approved for payment by the Board.

With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted:

Kathleen Howley

Township Manager