October 20, 2003

The Board of Supervisors of Pennsbury Township held a regular meeting on Monday, October 20, 2003. All members, Mr. Patten and Ms. Howley were present and the minutes were approved as submitted.

Four Season Garden Club presented an award to the township and Roadmaster David Allen for the fine work done on the gardens and surrounding property around the township building.

Township Manager Kathy Howley reported the following:

The holiday open house will be Sunday, December 7th and Strategic Planning Seminar January 10, 2004. Members were reminded of the Fall convention dinner for CCATO on November 6, 2003 at the Mendenhall Inn.

David Patten was asked to review the Berkheimer contract for the collection of earned income tax in 2004.

It was noted that Karyl Kates subdivision has requested another extension of time from November 20, 2003 to January 20, 2004. The board accepted this request.

Rusty Drumheller met with the manufacturer of the township building doors last week. He was not present to give a report.

The Board signed the contract with YMS consultants for the documentation preparation for the construction of park facilities. It was noted that the survey cost has been reduced from $16,000 to $12,000. MaryAnna Ralph asked to explore a possible bridal path through the park.

Roadmaster Dave Allen reported the following:

Paving is complete and the job was well done. Mowing road banks and line painting will be completed this week.

Matt Houtmann and I will be checking drainage problems throughout the township tomorrow.

Fall road inspection will be November 8, 2003 at 8 a.m.

Leaf pick up will start October 27th and chipping will be the week of Nov. 17th.

Matt Houtmann stated he had checked the Bielby property and saw no visible problems with drainage but will check again this week.

Matt Houtmann reported the following:

Submitted a review letter for the Walls/McFadden Road 2 lot subdivision. Jim Baker was present representing the applicant. The township Planning Commission has recommended approval. There are no plans for construction at this time. The property is being subdivided to show two deeds as well as two

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October 20, 2003

tax parcel numbers. Mr. Houtmann suggested that a note be placed on the plan

referring to a future offer of right of way on McFadden Road to the township.

The Board approved the subdivision with the condition that this note be added.

The plans will be updated and signed later by the Board.

Courts at Longwood - met with residents October 16th regarding completion of the subdivision. Submitted a punch list of items that need to be completed before the township will take over the roads. Most items are cosmetic and clean up but must be done. A copy was given to Dave Patten who will let the bank and S&S Development know that the township will move forward to complete everything and take the money out of escrow. S&S did submitted a request for a release of escrow for work done October 7, 2003. However, the Board does not want to release any money until all items are completed. There was also discussion on a "safety zone" being created on wooded lots to protect future development of homes that retain trees around them. It was suggested that an arborist be consulted during the planning process.

Knoll drainage - the job will come under prevailing wage which will take longer to work up and advertise. We will not be able to get it done this year but will continue to work on it and advertise in December/January and get it finished in the Spring. Matt will also do a conceptual design for the whole Knoll for road work. Dave Allen said he would put a "lip: on the driveway at 26 Constitution as a temporary measure to alleviate the drainage problem there.

Dave Patten will advertise for the amendment of the "as built" ordinance to include driveways for November 17, 2003.

Anne Walters will meet with Steger Gowie (John Rosencrans) to review the landscaping plan since there are potential problems with sight distance and plantings shown on the plan.

Hillhurst - no word from Jack Becker as to the completion time. Dave Patten will review the subdivision agreement for an expiration date.

It was noted that the Planning Commission recommended inclusion of the Lyman and Woodward properties in the Ag District. A review from the county has not been received yet. Larry Anderson presented the County Planning Commission contract to the Board for the update of the Comprehensive Plan. This will be a two year contract with the township paying $13,000 and County $39,000. He suggested a separate committee not be formed for this and that the township does the survey. We may want the county to do the survey but whoever does it, we want to insure a high return and have it on a disk.

A bill list dated October 20th numbering 4765-4800, state fund #181 was submitted and approved for payment by the Board. With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Kathleen Howley, Township Manager